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Senior Dating Safety Tips

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Senior Dating & How To Stay Safe

However much we like to believe we are independent, we are really social animals. We need companionship and today, many are turning senior dating on-line to fulfil that need.

Even those of use who have never touched a computer before are coming on-line as silver surfers & turning to senior dating sites.

Senior dating on-line has many benefits. In our fast paced (well maybe not so fast for us seniors) world it is very convenient to be able to just jump on-line and start looking.

People don’t want to meet in bars, especially the more senior dating client. Sitting in front of a computer with a glass of wine and being extremely picky about who to choose appeals far more to me than a noisy and expensive pub/bar, or trying to learn some skill that I have no interest in (don’t ask) just so that I could get to meet some new people.

However, there are inherent risks when meeting and interacting with any strangers, on-line or off-line. So is there anything to be aware of when searching on-line for your senior dating match?

Senior Dating: Some Top Tips

* Once you have chosen a senior dating site (of course you know I recommend!) you need to set-up a profile.

The most important thing to-do for security is to create a strong password. Use alpha numeric & try splitting up words. e.g. mat4322ure.

Software criminals can use to get passwords is called a dictionary program, this automatically tries every word in the dictionary. By splitting your password you stop this but still have a password easy to remember.

* Be wary of people reluctant to answer questions. Of course you shouldn’t expect every detail of their life straight away, but they should be willing to answer reasonable questions. Use common sense.

* Here’s a big one. If anyone on-line ever asks you for money or any financial details run a mile. Even if you have been met physically & had a few dates I would suggest caution.

* Ask for a recent photo, you don’t want to meet someone to find the photo was how they used to look. Since then that pot belly has taken on a life of it’s own. Mature Dating Help has a built in system where members can verify their pictures.

* When the time comes to take senior dating offline & meet physically, make sure that you arrange it for a public place where there are people.

* Tell someone where you are going & with whom, you could even arrange a telephone call at a specific time so that they know you are okay.

Lastly I would like to suggest that you use your instincts, they can be the best ‘people reading’ tool & will often be right if you listen to it. Senior dating by nature means you are experienced with people, use it.

You can join our safe online dating service today by clicking here.

I would also like to point out that, although this article is about safety, most people have your best interests at heart. Don’t let the thought of the few ruin your senior dating prospects.

So use caution but also put everything into perspective, most people want you to be happy including everyone on our team here at Mature Dating Help, especially our Customer Service people.

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